overlay Pacific Cookie Company

Pacific Cookie Company

Celebrating 40 years, Northern California's Pacific Cookie Company doesn't just bake some of the tastiest cookies you can find—they do it with a philosophical commitment to sustainability. Their local community loves their gourmet offerings, but they ship boxes of goodness all over the USA.
Built on Shopify
From Scratch.
Pacific Cookie's no stranger to selling online—they'd been doing so for longer than many others in their space. That being said, they relied on a custom-coded cart that was past its expiration. It was expensive to expand upon and impacting growth. We teamed up for a redesign and migration to Shopify, setting them up for 2020's insatiable desire for doorstep delivery.
Pacific Cookie Company Homepage
Sugary Sweet Icons.
Like their cookies, the icon set we created is humble, approachable, and no fuss. They're, well, super sweet.
Pacific Cookie Company Icons
Meet the Cookies
A cookie-cutter site this is not. Each and every nook, crumb, and cranny was explicitly tailored to their unique needs. Unlike the hunt and peck nature of their previous site, the UX combines all the key ingredients, nutritional information, and allergens all onto a nice warm landing page with a tasty call-to-action.
Pacific Cookie Company - Cookie Profiles
The Gift of Giving
The importance of gifts when it comes to Pacific Cookie's business cannot be understated. The ability to choose the varieties of cookies in each order isn't native to Shopify, so we built out a fully custom app that could override the cart's natural shortcomings. There's a lot more wrapped into their overall gift-giving prowess, but you've got some gifts to buy, so we'll let you go.
Pacific Cookie Company Ordering
Butter Fingers.
We greased up mobile like no one's business. Fast fingers, quick orders, more revenue.
Pacific Cookie Company Mobile
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